Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brag post - mission accomplished - huge goal and milestone @BrokeLivingJRB

On March 3rd I tweeted

@ inspired me 2 tweet br. Couldn't sleep last night, donked off 92% of br. Hope to pass @ next wk. br $13.27

and then

@ trying to pass you in bankroll by playing $.05 / $.10 on Cake Poker. Hope to be ahead by next week. br $13.27.

Well it took me two weeks, not one, but mission accomplished. From twitter today:

Jean-Robert Bellande
PLO @ misreads the flop and gets the cap in w 9h7h5cTs. Board is Jh8h5h. I have AhKh. Capped Pot 22k. Can we run it 3 times?
"Let's just run it once" - @... Same words Billy Baxter used. gg. Busted and out of action.
...and when the 6h hit the river, crazy mike was right there to yell "OMG! Straight Flush!".

So let's recap how I got here. I really haven't played much at all the last two weeks because I have been very busy with work and the kids have had a ton of end of season Hockey commitments and travel soccer is ramping up. @ just kept playing in his normal game and went from about $11,000 to exactly zero, which puts me up about $12.50. It is great to work hard and accomplish a stretch goal like this in poker. 2011 looks like it is going to be great!

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